Monday, August 21, 2006

A reluctant learner... I don't want to take these lessons

Oh teacher dear,

spare me...
i've never been the most regular or willing,of students...
please spare me...

i seek no knowledge
i just want to play
i seek no great scores
i just want to eat and sleep and be happy...

why won't you let me stay away
if i don't want to learn... ?

where do you want to take me
rain or shine
if i don't want to learn
why do you want me to ?

why should i take in
something i dont want to imbibe?

why ?
to lead me to preoccupation ?
where do you want me to aim, with all these degrees and "superior" qualifications ?

Why don't you just, let me be ?

Friday, August 18, 2006

i've neglected you for too long, haven't i ?

low frequency whispers that i hear best... that which most don't notice... that which causes harmonic thumps in this heart... but in the resonance earlier, i used to feel happy out of a feeling of being able to effect those frequencies myself... but now, the lower frequency of low frequencies causes a vague shot of pain...

the mid-frequency doesn't spare me either... wise discordance doesn't spare me either... the appreciation haunts me... and says "where is your contribution?"

wait, my dearest inner voices... let me live a human life for a while... go out into the world, get my hands dirty in the field... like a reckless hedonist... and a boring body of sense...

just...wait... :)... do you ever think there aren't any plans underway ?

Great job, A.R. Rahman :).

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


too much time to sit idle, too less time to start another chunk of work (read delightful tasks)...

so,now... what ?

hands tied these days ,due to people saying "saw a completely unfathomable thing the other day...something like your blog" :))...

either they are smart people who understand my blog too well...and make fun of my desperate attempt to encrpyt... or it is the D*****Rheads... not the latter, for sure - i know it for a fact.

Probably I should write something "nice" sometime.... probably the way I get thrilled during my midnight walks in the Valley... silhouettes of the mountains...and shy trees dancing against the moonlight... Or, probably about Celtic music... my latest ...ummm...groping for the right word... my,for lack of a better word... Or probably li'l bristles of petals..on pink and white flowers which get blown by the wind...

They feel crazy to get detached from the remainder of the flower initially... the gust of the wind initially scares them... but once they start flying.. they seem to have a lovely, easy time... and cause so much joy to the dazed spectator... ... and once they find their ground.. it is time to fly again...

THERE ! I couldn't stop myself... :D. Quick little "you are hopeless !! " smiles at myself...

and back I go... to wait for my nice long ride to the City of Angels...

Tequila Sunrises always. Truly yours, The B