Friday, December 08, 2006

Don't play with fire.

A person who doesn't throw tantrums isn't really naive.

A person who doesn't insist isn't really all that soft.

A person who is honest and admits to shortcomings and mistakes isn't weak.

A person who possesses superior skills of time management isn't jobless.

A person who likes to leave no stone unturned..isn't crass desperate.

A person who isn't arrogant isn't unaccomplished.

A person who seems rough isn't a piece of rock.
And a person who seems soft isn't someone you can sit on.

People of the world, don't play with fire. Decisive fire, at that.

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Why a name that starts with B?

An obsessive love of brevity, maybe?

Or.... :D.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Success is sweetest

After 7 years... perseverence... dogged effort despite repeated temporary defeat...

The Bruins win the football tournament this year against the school on the otherside of the town.

Congratulations, fellow bruins! Proud of you. :)...and very inspired.