Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Day one.

No great poetry or profundity...
no recommendations for readers...

this is my own space... i've been postponing the date of writing a "diary" ... when I was sad, I didn't believe I could encapsulate my thoughts in words... on the other hand, when I felt ecstatic, I felt joy that was ineffable...

however.. today ,i feel up to it. Hence, I write.

Started the day off with this thought - for NO reason - "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness". I woke up reluctantly (as always :)) ... I had had a hard night... conversations from across the seas wasn't particulary pleasant ... and one other conversation was absolutely amazing...and refreshingly different. I dedicate the feeling of fulfilment thereof to Lizst.

A quick bath. A shot of filter coffee. A quick ride (!) to university - met two students who were studying music in theater ...needless to say, we struck an instant chord :). Donning the teacher's role... an overflowing class... rushing off at the stroke of 1 for a class at the Anderson School of Management... with my friend by my side...

3-4 more teaching... 4-5 mindless wandering and "experimenting" classes on technology management and social entrepreneurship at Anderson. At 5, I felt sleep and hunger and boredom... slept for about 15 minutes in open air on a bench at school... went to Northern Lights for a burrito (beans,rice n cheese) .... ahhh...firmly ensconced in a comfortable seat, eating ...and watching news about some vague rape episode (the fuss these people make..they discuss one rape for 75 minutes... BOY.....) ... reading the Daily Bruin...

Time for coffee next... met up with a friend... spent some nice time at the Boelter courtyard...shamelessly crosslegged (:D) and sitting in silence, disturbed by occasional words... spring's in the air... there were fresh blooms on the trees...and a warm, welcome Pacific wind...

Back here...at my latest obsession - the Rosenfeld library... welcomed by emails and messages from "my" people... and I shall go get some work done...I obviously will do quality work... for my friend is out there ,waiting for me...

While I was walking from the Boelter quadrangle to Rosenfeld, I realized : angels do exist... and life is simply awesome... I just didn't see it all this while...


Blogger Niva said...

Reminded me of my good old university days.., my life was closely parallel to wat you put up here, during my Graduation days.. i try to get into the same realm of solitude, whenever theres a slightest of chance..

8:30 AM  

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